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Pile Of Gifts Covered In Snow Ai Generated Image


Mit diesem Stockfoto können Sie die Freude der Weihnachtszeit mit diesem atemberaubenden digitalen Kunstprodukt erleben. Mit einem Stapel bunter Geschenke, umgeben von einem verschneiten Kiefernwald, fängt es die Magie und Schönheit des Winters ein. Perfekt für Weihnachtsautos, Dekorationen oder Geschenke. Dieses Bild bringt garantiert Weihnachtsstimmung in jedes Projekt.

Willkommen, liebe digitale Abenteurer! Schnallt euch an, denn wir begeben uns auf eine skurrile Reise durch das Labyrinth der Lizenzregeln, die das magische Reich der digitalen Assets regeln. (Spoiler-Alarm: Es ist nicht so langweilig, wie es klingt!)

Zunächst einmal sollten wir die Terminologie klären. Die Lizenzierung ist wie das Kleingedruckte der digitalen Welt – man kann sie sich wie einen geheimen Handschlag vorstellen, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, diese atemberaubenden 3D-Szenen und -Texturen zu verwenden, ohne versehentlich gegen irgendjemanden (oder Urheberrechte) zu verstoßen. Tauchen wir also in die Einzelheiten ein, einverstanden?

Stellen Sie sich nun vor, Sie haben gerade ein atemberaubendes digitales Meisterwerk wie „Indigenous Kid Environment in Pastel“ ergattert. Sie denken wahrscheinlich: „Wow, ich kann es kaum erwarten, das in meinem Projekt zu verwenden!“ Aber bleib ruhig, Partner! Bevor Sie in den Sonnenuntergang galoppieren, müssen Sie die Lizenzbestimmungen prüfen, die mit Ihrem glänzenden neuen Asset einhergehen.

Lizenzen können so vielfältig sein wie eine Schachtel Pralinen (oder eine gemischte Tüte Jelly Beans, wenn Sie Lust auf Fruchtiges haben). Manche Lizenzen sind so entspannt wie eine Katze, die in der Sonne liegt, und erlauben Ihnen, das Asset ohne große Anstrengung für persönliche und kommerzielle Projekte zu verwenden. Andere sind vielleicht etwas strenger und verlangen von Ihnen, den Urheber zu nennen, oder begrenzen die Anzahl der Verwendungen. (Niemand mag Regelbrecher, oder?)

Und vergessen wir nicht die berüchtigte „nicht übertragbare“ Klausel! Das ist wie bei dem einen Freund, der immer darauf besteht, der Fahrer zu sein – in der Theorie großartig, aber nicht so lustig, wenn man den Reichtum teilen möchte. Das bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre digitalen Schätze nicht einfach an Ihren Kumpel auf der Straße weitergeben können. Tut mir leid, Bob!

Wenn Sie abenteuerlustig sind und in die Welt der Modifikationen eintauchen möchten, sollten Sie prüfen, ob Ihre Lizenz Änderungen zulässt. Einige Lizenzen sind so flexibel wie ein Yogalehrer und ermöglichen Ihnen, das Objekt nach Herzenslust zu optimieren und zu verändern. Andere? Nicht so sehr. Sie sind eher wie ein strenger Sportlehrer – keine Spielchen erlaubt!

Was ist also die Lehre aus diesem Lizenzabenteuer? Lesen Sie immer das Kleingedruckte! (Ja, ich weiß, das ist langweilig, aber es ist wie Gemüse essen – auf lange Sicht gut für Sie!) Wenn Sie die Lizenzregeln verstehen, ersparen Sie sich mögliche Kopfschmerzen und bleiben auf der richtigen Seite des Digitalrechts.

Fazit: Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Digital-Zauberer oder ein Neuling sind, der gerade erst seine Zehen in den Pixel-Pool taucht, ist es wichtig, Ihre Lizenzbestimmungen zu kennen. Also los, seien Sie kreativ und lassen Sie Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf – stellen Sie nur sicher, dass Sie dabei im Rahmen des Gesetzes handeln! (Und behalten Sie vielleicht für alle Fälle einen Anwalt auf Kurzwahl.)

Leo Pixel Store Contributor Agreement

Licenses for Leo Pixel Store

You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, fully-paid, and royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, index, translate, and modify the Work for the purposes of operating the Website; presenting, distributing, marketing, promoting, and licensing the Work to users; developing new features and services; archiving the Work; and protecting the Work. We may use the Work for the purposes of marketing and promoting your Work, the Website, our business, and our other products and services, in which case you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, fully-paid, and royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, publicly perform, and translate the Work as needed, and we may compensate you at our discretion as described in section 5 (Payment) below. You also grant us the right, but not the obligation, to use your display name, trademarks, and trade names in connection with our marketing and promotional activities and our license to the Work under the Terms.

Licenses for users

You grant us a license to further sublicense our right to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, publicly perform, and translate the Work on a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual basis in any media or embodiment. We may sublicense Works pursuant to a written or electronic agreement between us and a user (“User Agreement”). The license to users may include the right to modify and create derivative works based upon the Work, including but not limited to the right to sell or distribute for sale the Work or any reproductions thereof if incorporated or together with or onto any item of merchandise or other work of authorship, in any media or format now or hereafter known, provided that such users’ use of the modified Work is limited solely to the same uses permitted with respect to the original Work. For clarity, we may allow users and other authorized third parties (such as, without limitation, marketing consultants or service providers) to post or share the Work onto social media sites or other third-party websites, subject to any restrictions imposed by a User Agreement. We offer an Application Program Interface (“API”) program that allows our partners to showcase and to facilitate sales of the Work.

Intellectual Property Rights.

  1. IP Rights. You represent and warrant that you own all rights, title, and interest in and to the Work, including all copyrights, trademarks, patents, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, moral rights, and other proprietary rights (collectively, “IP Rights”), or have all necessary rights and license to grant us the licenses under the Terms. You further represent and warrant that the Work will not infringe the IP Rights of others, contain misleading, deceptive or false information, contain any illegal or defamatory content, or contain any elements that may disrupt or harm the functioning of the Website, our products, features or services. You will not upload any Work that infringes or violates the IP Rights of any person or entity or that constitutes any libel, slander, or other defamation upon any person or entity. You must also comply with applicable law.
  2. Releases. If the Work contains an image or likeness of an identifiable person, trademark or logo, or certain
    distinctive property that is protected by IP Rights, you represent and warrant that (A) you have obtained all necessary and valid releases or agreements substantially similar to our standard model and property releases for each person or property depicted in the Work; and (B) you will promptly provide copies of such releases or agreements to us upon our request. However, if we agree that you may contribute to our collection of editorial content and you upload a Work designated “editorial use only,” we may accept it without a model or property release, at our sole discretion, and subject to any of our guidelines or requirements. For Work designated “editorial use only,” you represent and warrant that: (1) the Work truthfully depicts the subject; (2) all corresponding keywords, descriptions, credits, and captions are accurate and are neither deceptive nor misleading; and (3) the Work has not been modified in a way that alters its editorial context or integrity. You agree that we may apply the designation of a Work as “editorial use only” where deemed appropriate by us.

Ownership and Use of the Work.

Neither title nor any ownership interest in or to the Work is transferred to us as a result of the Terms. Except for the licenses granted by you pursuant to the Terms, we do not claim any ownership rights to the Work. Both we and our users who use a Work have the right, but not the obligation, to identify you as the creator or source of the Work in a customary manner. You understand and agree that, in commercial uses of the Work, (A) creators are not customarily credited in such uses; (B) users will not be obligated to credit creators; and (C) Work may be modified and used in connection with any subject matter (except pornographic or illegal). You therefore waive any right to object to these common business practices; however, User Agreements do not permit use of Works for pornographic or illegal purposes. In addition, metadata may be altered, removed, or added, without any liability to us, our distributors, or users. We are not liable for non- compliance with the terms of a User Agreement or for misuse by any third party. You grant us the right to enforce your IP Rights against infringers, but we have no obligation to do so. If you believe your Work has been misused, you agree to notify us and take no action without our prior written consent

Pricing and Payment Details

For any sales of licenses to Work, less any cancellations, returns, and refunds. We may modify the Pricing and Payment Details from time to time, including but not limited to updating the categories of Works, updating pricing and payment terms, and directing you to new Pricing and Payment Details for pricing and payment information. You should look at the Pricing and Payment Details regularly. By continuing to submit or upload Works or by not removing Works, you are agreeing to any new Pricing and Payment Details as revised from time to time. You may designate Work as free content, in which case we may distribute such Work without liability or payment to you. If you are not the copyright owner of a Work, you are solely responsible for compensating such copyright owner(s) where applicable. We may use third- party payment processors such as PayPal to facilitate the payment to you. If we offer a promotion, trial, test, or watermarked version of your Work, we are subject to compensate only for the amount sold and not the original price.

Termination and Survival

We may terminate these Product Specific Terms, remove any Work, or suspend your account, without prior notice. We will have no payment obligation to you if we terminate these Product Specific Terms for cause. By way of example, you may not download Leo Pixel Store Stock content for the primary purpose of artificially inflating the number of downloads of content by a given contributor or for the primary purpose of artificially triggering payments. You may terminate these Product Specific Terms at any time with at least 90 days' prior written notice to us via email to support@leopixelstore.com.

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